AbstractThe purpose of the present research is to investigate model mixed boundary value problems (BVPs) for the Helmholtz equation in a planar angular domain {\Omega_{\alpha}\subset\mathbb{R}^{2}} of magnitude α.
These problems are considered in a non-classical setting when a solution is sought in the Bessel potential spaces {\mathbb{H}^{s}_{p}(\Omega_{\alpha})}, {s>\frac{1}{p}}, {1<p<\infty}.
The investigation is carried out using the potential method by reducing the problems to an equivalent boundary integral equation (BIE) in the Sobolev–Slobodečkii space on a semi-infinite axis {\mathbb{W}^{{s-1/p}}_{p}(\mathbb{R}^{+})}, which is of Mellin convolution type.
Applying the recent results on Mellin convolution equations in the Bessel potential spaces obtained by V. Didenko and R. Duduchava
[Mellin convolution operators in Bessel potential spaces,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 443 2016, 2, 707–731],
explicit conditions of the unique solvability of this BIE in the Sobolev–Slobodečkii {\mathbb{W}^{r}_{p}(\mathbb{R}^{+})} and Bessel potential {\mathbb{H}^{r}_{p}(\mathbb{R}^{+})} spaces for arbitrary r are found and used to write explicit conditions for the Fredholm property and unique solvability of the initial model BVPs for the Helmholtz equation in the non-classical setting.
The same problem was investigated in a previous paper
[R. Duduchava and M. Tsaava,
Mixed boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in arbitrary 2D-sectors,
Georgian Math. J. 20 2013, 3, 439–467],
but there were made fatal errors.
In the present paper, we correct these results.