The classical diffusion theory cannot explain the temperature kink of the activation energy and the anomalous isotopic effect observed in the hydrogen atom migration in BCC metals. We present a theory based on the equations of quantum statistical mechanics that permits interpreting both these phenomena completely. We consider three possible mechanisms for an elementary act of hydrogen diffusion in metals: the over-barrier hopping, the thermally activated tunnel transition, and the tunneling due to decay of a local deformation near the hydrogen atom.
Rate constant for the escape of light particles from the potential minimumMost of the quantum theories of hydrogen diffusion in metals [1]-[5] are based on the concept of the hopping conductivity of small-radius polarons [6]. The essential drawbacks of the polaron theory concerning hydrogen atom (HA) diffusion problems have been discussed in numerous papers, including [7]. Our goal here is to present a completely different approach to this problem, an approach sufficiently close to the basic concept of chemical kinetics [8].We consider the diffusion migration of light impurities in the one-dimensional crystal model. For the model potential, we use the potential of a symmetric well with two cells such that the distance between their minimums is d. The total system in this model can be divided into three subsystems: a thermostat including the lattice and electrons {1}, a light particle in the left-hand potential well {2}, and a light particle in the right-hand potential well {3}. The localized states of light particles at the interstitial sites of the crystal correspond to the equilibrium distribution in the configuration space. Such particles migrate jumplike because the lifetime of a particle at the temperature β −1 1 ∼ 10 3 K is 10 −8 to 10 −9 sec in order of magnitude, while the time of motion through the potential barrier is 10 −13 sec. It is clear that the total system under these conditions is sufficiently close to thermodynamic equilibrium. In the case of a weak particle-thermostat interaction, the general expression for the rate constant (RC) for the escape of particles from the potential minimum can be written as [9]We use the system of units where = k B = 1. Here, Ω is the eigenfrequency of particle oscillation in the well (subsystem {2} or {3}), ω s = Ωs is an energy level in the harmonic well, γ s = ω s /Ωτ 1 is the decay,