Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at interface during the molecules exchange between interface and bulk phase, has been extensively studied in recent years and played a significant role in many research fields, such as foam and emulsion stability. [1,2] In general, interfacial rheology is classified to dilational rheology and shear rheology according to the interface modification under different external mechanical perturbation. Two kinds of interfacial rheology coexisted when the interfacial film was compressed and expanded. The dilational modulus is several orders of magnitude than shear modulus, therefore, the contribution Hydroxyl sulfobetaines with hexadecyl-, octadecyl-hydrophobic chain and an industrial product hydroxyl sulfobetaine were synthesized from analytical-grade and industrial-grade tertiary amine, respectively. The dilational properties and surface tension of the three surfactants at the water-air interface were investigated by drop shape analysis and ring method. The influences of oscillating frequency and bulk concentration on dilational properties were explored. The experimental results show that the dilational module of octadecyl-hydroxyl sulfobetaine was higher than hexadecyl hydroxyl sulfobetaine and the dilational elastic component of the three surfactants were higher than dilational viscous component. Furthermore, the dilational elastic component of mixed surfactant system shows two maxima in a lower concentration than that of single surfactant system. As a result, the surface tension of mixed surfactant system reaches to minimum value in a lower concentration compared with single surfactant system. The simulation results show that the hydrophobic chains in the mixed betaine solution were more curled than in single-component betaine solution ascribed to stronger interaction among different hydrophobic chains, resulting to a more compact interfacial film.