We present the first systematic analysis of global ionospheric disturbance current systems caused by multiple processes of solar and magnetospheric origin, including reorientations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), sudden changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure, magnetospheric sawtooth substorms, and ultralow frequency (ULF) waves. Measurements from global magnetometer networks are used to derive the equivalent disturbance currents from the polar cap to the equator. A surprising result is that the equivalent disturbance current systems are very similar, although the driving processes are completely different. The equivalent disturbance current system in response to IMF reorientation or substorm onset is characterized by a large vortex on the dayside and evening sector and a smaller vortex near dawn, and the polarity of the current vortices depends on the IMF direction. The equivalent disturbance current system caused by a sudden change in the solar wind pressure or by ULF waves consists of a single vortex at middle and low latitudes and a very small vortex above~60°magnetic latitude near dawn. The similar disturbance current systems caused by different solar wind and magnetospheric processes suggest that the global distribution of the ionospheric currents is determined by the intrinsic property of the ionosphere. The global current system takes only~1 min to completely reconstruct, indicating that the current system can reach a new steady state within 1 min. A scenario is proposed to explain the global distribution and fast reconstruction of the current systems. Penetration electric fields caused by IMF southward turning were first identified by Nishida (1968a, 1968b). It was found that quasiperiodic southward turnings of the IMF with a period of 30-60 min caused quasiperiodic enhancements in the northward component of the geomagnetic field measured by ground magnetometers near the magnetic equator. Because variations of the geomagnetic field are related to variations of ionospheric currents and electric fields, Nishida suggested that a southward turning of the IMF caused the Published 2020. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.