Performance of shared memory architectures for optical switching is typically obtained by simulation, and in low packet loss regions is subject to statistical error or excessive computer run times. To obtain a reliable measure of performance, a Markov chain with a small number of states has been developed to model the switch's behavior. This reduced chain E s derived from a full Markov chain which more directly models the switch. Equations to count the number of states for both Markov chains are derived. Packet loss results derived from the reduced Markov chain are compared with simulation results.Research has shown that the shared memory architecture, shown in Figure 1, is optimal for optical switches in regard to minimizing the amount of memory required to achieve a particular packet loss rate [l]. Because of this optimality, and the great expense of optical memory, shared memory architectures are commonly used in studies of optical switches [2] - [4]. The performance of an optical switch architecture is typically obtained by computer simulation, and the results are approximate. When obtaining packet loss rates on the order of via computer simulation, the simulations can take an excessive amount of time to run in order to generate statistically accurate results. To avoid the long run times, we considered a Markov chain model for the switch of Figure 1, assuming uniform traffic. However, as we show in this paper, the number of states in the Markov chain can be tens or hundereds of thousands for reasonably sized switches. Just computing the transition matrix for such a large number of states can be prohibitive. As an alternative, we present a reduced Markov description that yields transition matrices that can be generated in a timely fashion on an average comFigure 1: Shared Memory Switch Architecture puter workstation.
DevelopmentIn developing a Markov chain with a relativelj. small number of states, a much larger Markov chain was first developed because it more directly models the switch's behavior. We shall call this larger Markov chain the "full" state description Markov chain. The full state description is a vector of numbers, N + 1 long, where N represents the number of external data ports on the switch. The first N numbers of this vector correspond to the N possible packet groups in memory, where a group is defined as the packets in memory destined for the same output port. The ith element of this vector, i 5 N , is the number of packets in memory destined for the ith output port. The sum of these N elements must be less than or equal to M , the number of memory cells of the switch. The N + 1st number represents the sum of all packets at the output ports in the process 0-7803-3925-8/97 $1 0.00 0 1 997 IEEE