We consider the Cauchy problem for the semilinear Schrödinger equationis a C-valued given function and T λ is a maximal existence time of the solution. Our first aim in the present paper is to prove a large data blow-up result for (NLS) in H s -critical or H s -subcritical case p ≤ p s := 1 + 4/(d − 2s), for some s ≥ 0. More precisely, we show that in the case 1 < p ≤ p s , for a suitable H s -function f , there exists λ 0 > 0 such that for any λ > λ 0 , the following estimateshold, where κ, C > 0 are constants independent of λ and (r, ρ) is an admissible pair (see Theorem 2.3). Our second aim is to prove non-existence local weak-solution for (NLS) in the H s -supercritical case p > p s , which means that if p > p s , then there exists an H s -function f such that if there exist T > 0 and a weak-solution u to (NLS) on [0, T ), then λ = 0 (see Theorem 2.5).