In this paper we consider the equilibrium problem in the relaxed linear model of micromorphic elastic materials. The basic kinematical fields of this extended continuum model are the displacement u ∈ R 3 and the non-symmetric micro-distortion density tensor P ∈ R 3×3 . In this relaxed theory a symmetric forcestress tensor arises despite the presence of microstructure and the curvature contribution depends solely on the micro-dislocation tensor Curl P . However, the relaxed model is able to fully describe rotations of the microstructure and to predict non-polar size-effects. In contrast to classical linear micromorphic models, we allow the usual elasticity tensors to become positive-semidefinite. We prove that, nevertheless, the equilibrium problem has a unique weak solution in a suitable Hilbert space. The mathematical framework also settles the question of which boundary conditions to take for the micro-distortion. Similarities and differences between linear micromorphic elasticity and dislocation gauge theory are discussed and pointed out.