We study Zariski-like topologies on a proper class X L of a complete lattice L = (L, ∧, ∨, 0, 1). We consider X with the so called classical Zariski topology (X , τ cl ) and study its topological properties (e.g. the separation axioms, the connectedness, the compactness) and provide sufficient conditions for it to be spectral. We say that L is X -top iffis a topology. We study the interplay between the algebraic properties of an X -top complete lattice L and the topological properties of (X , τ cl ) = (X , τ). Our results are applied to several spectra which are proper classes of L := LAT ( R M) where M is a left module over an arbitrary associative ring R (e.g. the spectra of prime, coprime, fully prime submodules) of M as well as to several spectra of the dual complete lattice L 0 (e.g. the spectra of first, second and fully coprime submodules of M). * MSC2010: Primary 06A15; Secondary 16D10, 13C05, 13C13, 54B99.The spectrum Spec(R) of prime ideals of a commutative ring R attains the so called Zariski topology in which the closed sets are the varietiesThis topology is compact, T 0 but almost never T 2 , and the closed points correspond to the maximal ideals. The Zariski topology proved to be very important in two main aspects: in Algebraic Geometry and in Commutative Algebra. In particular, it provided an efficient tool for studying the algebraic properties of a commutative ring R by investigating the corresponding topological properties of Spec(R) [9].Motivated by this, there were many attempts to define Zariski-like topologies on the spectra of prime-like submodules of a given left module M over a (not necessarily commutative) ring R. This resulted at the first place in several different notions of prime submodules of R M which reduced to the notion of a prime ideal for the special case M = R, a commutative ring (e.g. [21]). The work in this direction was almost limited to studying these prime-like submodules and their duals (the coprime-like submodules) as well as to the families of prime ideals corresponding to them from a purely algebraic point of view. One of the obstacles was that not every module M over a (commutative) ring R has the property that Spec(M) attains a Zariski-like topology: the proposed closed varieties {V (N) | N ∈ LAT ( R M)} are not necessarily closed under finite unions. Modules for which this last condition is satisfied were investigated, among others, by R. L. McCasland and P. F. Smith (e.g.[17], [16]) and called top modules. However, even such modules were studied from a purely algebraic point of view and the associated Zariski-like topologies were not well studied till about a decade ago. In [6], Abuhlail introduced a Zariskilike topology on the spectrum of fully coprime subcomodules of a given comodule M of a coring C over an associative ring R and studied the interplay between the algebraic properties of M and the topological properties of that Zariski-like topology (see also [5]).Later, in a series of papers ([3], [4], [2]), Abuhlail introduced and investigated several Zariskili...