We prove that for every proper minor-closed class M of F p -representable matroids, there exists a O(1)-competitive algorithm for the matroid secretary problem on M. This result relies on the extremely powerful matroid minor structure theory being developed by Geelen, Gerards and Whittle.We also note that for asymptotically almost all matroids, the matroid secretary algorithm that selects a random basis, ignoring weights, is (2 + o(1))-competitive. In fact, assuming the conjecture that almost all matroids are paving, there is a (1 + o (1))competitive algorithm for almost all matroids. Conjecture 1 (Babaioff, Immorlica, and Kleinberg [1]). For all matroids M, there is a O(1)-competitive matroid secretary algorithm for M. Babaioff, Immorlica, and Kleinberg [1] gave a O(log r)-competitive algorithm for all matroids M, where r is the rank of M. This was improved to a O( √ log r)-competitive algorithm by Chakraborty and Lachish [2]. The state-of-the-art is a O(log log r)competitive algorithm, first obtained by Lachish [17]. Using different tools, Feldman, Svensson, and Zenklusen [6] give a simpler O(log log r)-competitive algorithm for all matroids.