ABSTRACT.We consider a theorem by Huneke on multiplicities, and show that the extension surmised by Huneke is a stronger form of the Syzygy Conjecture.Craig Huneke has proved the following result.THEOREM 1 [9]. Let (A,m) be a complete local ring containing afield, letn be a positive integer and let e(A) be the multiplicity of A. Suppose that A satisfies Serre 's condition Sn and that e(A) inf (n, height P) for all P G Spec A.As remarked on [11, p. 125], the condition Si is equivalent to A having no embedded associated primes. We use the term 'equidimensional' in the sense of Grothendieck's E.G.A., i.e. a local ring is said to be equidimensional when all its minimal primes have the same co-height. Recall from [7, (5.10.9)] that a catenary (and so a complete) local ring which satisfies S2 is equidimensional.A recent handy reference for much of the material in this note is the monograph [5], where a special case of Huneke's result is discussed on pp. 71-72 and on p. 75. As the latter shows, and as has been remarked by Huneke himself, in the case n = 1 it is essential in Theorem 1 to add the hypothesis of equidimensionality.From his theorem Huneke deduces results by Nagata [12, (40.6)] and by Ikeda, in the case where the rings involved contain a field. (As regards the former result, see the interesting aside on [6, p. 41].) Since these are known to hold without this restriction, Huneke surmises that the following is probably true:, .Theorem 1 is valid without the assumption that  ' contain a field. if R is a regular local ring, and if K is the (2) jth syzygy of an R-module with rank A" < j, then K is a free R-module.