For the number P(K,n) of threshold n-ary functions of A"-valued logic, we obtain the lower boundThe key argument in our investigation is the generalization of a result obtained by Odlyzko on the subspaces spanned by ρ randomly chosen (±1)-vectors. Namely, we prove that, as η ->· oo, for any Ρ < η -(3 + Iog 2 36)n/log 2 n if Κ -2(2, respectively, for any Ρ < η -(3 + log 20 +! 36)n/log 2 + 1 n if K = 2g + 1, the probability that the linear span of p randomly chosen vectors vi, v 2 ,... ,ν,, € (E' K ) n = {±1,±3,... ,±(2β-1)} η , respectively, from E% = {0, ±1 , . . . , ±β} η » contains at least one vector from respectively, from ι=1 equals, for even K = 2g, Q ^ 1, and for β = 1, and, respectively, for odd K = IQ + 1 , β φ 1 , (ϊ -4(2 W)") '