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Approximating Equilibrium in the Digital MarketplaceJakub Konka, Craig Michie, Ivan Andonovic, and Robert Atkinson Centre for Intelligent Dynamic Communications University of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XW, UK Email: {jakub.konka, c.michie, i.andonovic, robert.atkinson}, Abstract-Digital Marketplace is a market-based framework for trading mobile communications services at a service level. It is well suited for managing a future mobile communications environment where the one-to-one mapping between network operators and subscribers no longer holds, and the subscribers are given the option to select a network operator and a wireless access technology that matches their preferences best at a service level. As with any market-based framework, it is important to analyse the selling mechanism from the economic perspective. In this paper, we address the deficiencies of previous research on the economic equilibrium of the Digital Marketplace. We achieve this by proposing an approximation to the equilibrium of the Digital Marketplace through the use of an auction with common prior.