Context. Long-period intensity pulsations were recently detected in the EUV emission of coronal loops, and have been attributed to cycles of plasma evaporation and condensation driven by thermal non-equilibrium (TNE). Numerical simulations that reproduce this phenomenon also predict the formation of periodic flows of plasma at coronal temperatures along some of the pulsating loops. Aims. In this paper, we aim at detecting these predicted flows of coronal-temperature plasma in pulsating loops. Methods. To this end, we use time series of spatially resolved spectra from the EUV imaging spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode, and track the evolution of the Doppler velocity in loops in which intensity pulsations have previously been detected in images of SDO/AIA. Results. We measure signatures of flows that are compatible with the simulations, but only in a fraction of the observed events. We demonstrate that this low detection rate can be explained by line of sight ambiguities, combined with instrumental limitations such as low signal to noise ratio or insufficient cadence.