Let X N be a family of N × N independent GUE random matrices, Z N a family of deterministic matrices, P a self-adjoint non-commutative polynomial, that is for any N , P (X N ) is self-adjoint, f a smooth function. We prove that for any k, if f is smooth enough, there exist deterministic constantsBesides the constants α P i (f, Z N ) are built explicitly with the help of free probability. In particular, if x is a free semicircular system, then when the support of f and the spectrum of P (x, Z N ) are disjoint, for any i, α P i (f, Z N ) = 0. As a corollary, we prove that given α < 1/2, for N large enough, every eigenvalue of P (X N , Z N ) is N −α -close from the spectrum of P (x, Z N ).