Prevention of crimes, as well as their detection, their quality and timely investigation have always been a priority for the work of law enforcement bodies. One of the effective methods of counteracting crimes is crime detection and the criminal prosecution of perpetrators. At the same time, the law enforcement bodies do not always carry out crime investigation in a timely and comprehensive manner. The author presents framework measures of raising the quality of crime investigation through the improvement of, firstly, the mechanism of the legal regulation of genomic registration and, secondly, the forensic technical support of the detection, investigation and prevention of crimes in the context of three elements — legal basis, material and technical support, staffing. One of the effective methods of improving the clearance rate and prevention of crimes is the use of DNA-analysis and genotyposcopic expertise. In order to improve the quality of this expertise, the author has developed specific suggestions on amendments to the Federal Law «On State Genomic Registration in the Russian Federation» of December 3, 2008 № 242-ФЗ on a wider scope of persons for whom genomic registration is obligatory. The initiatives of scholars and practical workers regarding the introduction of DNA passports for citizens are briefly analyzed, and the international experience in this sphere is examined. The author also studied the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation «On Developing Genomic Technologies in the Russian Federation» (together with the «Provision on the Council for the Implementation the Federal Research and Technical Program on the Development of Genetic Technologies in 2019–2027») of November 28, 2018 № 680, «On the Basics of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in Ensuring the Chemical and Biological Security until 2025 and Further Years» of March 11, 2019 № 97, which were implemented in the Federal Research and Technical Program of Developing Genetic Technologies in 2019–2027, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2019 № 479. The author shares the opinion that obligatory genomic registration should be introduced for some categories of citizens as a factor of crime prevention.