Inkjet printing can be used to deposit photopolymerizable magnetic inks for the creation of functionalized composites. Anisotropic properties in the composites can be achieved when inkjet printing is combined with external magnetic fields to align magnetically orientable particles (MOPs). When a MOP is induced by an external magnetic field, it will create its own magnetic field that can attract neighboring particles. The coarsening of particles into higher-order structures like chains and sheets is unwanted in certain areas, such as high-frequency applications. We show that this particleparticle attraction and subsequent particle migration can be inhibited with the introduction of a yield stress into the suspending medium, while still allowing the alignment of the particle to proceed. For magnetically induced rotational and translational motions for oblate spheroids in a rotating magnetic field, theoretical scalings are presented for the characteristic timescales in a linear fluid and for the characteristic stresses in a yield-stress fluid. Figure 2. Geometric arrangements of chaining events. The magnetic field rotates in the (xy)-plane.(a) Two oblate spheroids with induced dipoles. (b) Sheets formed by a rotating magnetic field that are taken from experiments. The dimensions of the particles are approximately a=2:5 μm and c=75 nm, and the volume fraction is ϕ=0.001. Eight sheets are identified with a sheet spacing of d exp =80AE37 μm. (c) Ideal hexagonal sheet formation under a rotating magnetic field. A unit cell is chosen in the blue rhombus. [Color figure can be viewed at]Figure 3. Yield stress as a function of concentration of gellan gum.(a) Bulk rheological results for concentration of gellan gum from 0.001 to 0.1% in 1% NaCl. The triangle (4) indicates the value for the microscopic yield stress that was calculated from the sedimentation suppression. The asterisks (*) indicate the values of the microscopic yield stress that was obtained from pulling active microrheology. (b)-(c) Timelapse sedimentation experiment. PS particles with magnetic inclusions (d=4:3 μm, ρ=1:22�0:02 g/cm 3 ) were injected into various concentrations of gellan gum (CG-HA). From left to right, C GG = {0.0100, 0.0150, 0.0200, 0.0225, 0.0250, 0.0300, 0.0400, 0.0500}% in C NaCl =1% (note that concentrations in the photos are shown as weight per volume percent times 10 4 ). Values from the microscopic rheological results are included. (b) Suspensions immediately after they were vortexed for 30 s for particle suspension. (c) Complete sedimentation of PS particles with magnetic inclusions occurs after 24 h for all concentrations below 0.02%. Concentrations above 0.025% were able to suspend particles indefinitely.[Color figure can be viewed at] Figure 5. Directed alignment of Ni-Fe microdisks (360 lm diameter) in 0.065% gellan gum.Field strength was increased sequentially from 0 to 7 mT. The magnetic field rotates in the (x, y)-plane. Particles that are aligned in the (x, y)-plane appear circular...