Because investigations of PAN at higher southern latitudes are very scarce, we measured surface PAN concentrations for the "rst time in Antarctica. During the Photochemical Experiment at Neumayer (PEAN'99) campaign mean surface PAN mixing ratios of 13$7 pptv and maximum values of 48 pptv were found. When these PAN mixing ratios were compared to the sum of NO V and inorganic nitrate they were found to be equal or higher. Low ambient air temperatures and low PAN concentrations caused a slow homogeneous PAN decomposition rate of approximately 5;10\ pptv h\ . These slow decay rates were not su$cient to "rmly establish the simultaneously observed NO V concentrations. In addition, low concentration ratios of [HNO ]/[NO V ] imply that the photochemical production of NO V within the snow pack can in#uence surface NO V mixing ratios in Antarctica. Alternate measurements of PAN mixing ratios at two di!erent heights above the snow surface were performed to derive #uxes between the lower troposphere and the underlying snow pack using calculated friction velocities. Most of the concentration di!erences were below the precision of the measurements. Therefore, only an upper limit for the PAN #ux of $1;10 molecules m\ s\ without a predominant direction can be estimated. However, PAN #uxes below this limit can still in#uence both the transfer of nitrogen compounds between atmosphere and ice, and the PAN budget in higher southern latitudes.