“…Hence, the affine system X(Ψ, M, K) is indeed an over-sampled affine system obtained by over-sampling the affine system X(Ψ, M) with "over-sampling rates" governed by the over-sampling set K. We are particularly interested in sets of the form K = [0, 1) d ∩ P −1 Z d , where P , to be called the over-sampling rate of the affine system X(Ψ, M, K), is a nonsingular matrix with integer entries. For this choice of K, X(Ψ, M, K) becomes the familiar over-sampled affine system X P (Ψ, M) := |det M| j/2 ψ M j · − P −1 k : ψ ∈ Ψ, j ∈ Z, k ∈ Z d (2) with over-sampling rate P (see [5,8,19,21,22]). …”