In this paper the sequence spaces b r,s 0 (p), b r,s c (p), b r,s ∞ (p) and b r,s (p) which are the generalization of the classical Maddox's paranormed sequence spaces have been introduced and proved that the spaces b r,s 0 (p), b r,s c (p), b r,s ∞ (p) and b r,s (p) are linearly isomorphic to spaces c 0 (p), c(p), ∞ (p) and (p), respectively. Besides this, the α−, β − and γ−duals of the spaces b r,s 0 (p), b r,s c (p), and b r,s (p) have been computed, their bases have been constructed and some topological properties of these spaces have been studied. Finally, the classes of matrices (b r,s 0 (p) : µ), (b r,s c (p) : µ) and (b r,s (p) : µ) have been characterized, where µ is one of the sequence spaces ∞ , c and c 0 and derives the other characterizations for the special cases of µ.