A hybrid-duplex (HBD) UAV communication system (UCS), i.e., HBD-UCS, to improve spectrum utilization is investigated in this work. By considering the combined effect of fading and shadowing, a comprehensive outage probability analysis of the HBD-UCS under various inter-UAV interference and shadowing scenarios over Rician shadowed fading channels is conducted. It is demonstrated that the ground station (GS) in full-duplex (FD) mode operates at lower outage probability than in half-duplex (HD) mode. Furthermore, the joint detector is shown to achieve lower outage probability than the interference ignorant (II) detector and HD-UCS, even when severe shadowing is encountered. As such, utilizing joint detectors in an HBD-UCS enables multi-UAV networks to achieve high reliability when operating in urban environments. INDEX TERMS Unmanned aerial vehicle, spectrum efficiency, half-duplex, full-duplex, hybrid-duplex, outage probability, rician, shadowing. A. MOTIVATION AND RELATED LITERATURE Although utilitarian, multi-UAV networks are mired with its own set of challenges that must be addressed. Of particular importance is the lack of available spectrum for UAV communications [5], [6]. Despite the allocation of parts of The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Jiayi Zhang. the L-band and C-band for UAV control and non-payload communications (CNPC) by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) [5], spectrum scarcity is still a challenge. In particular, many other existing systems, e.g., aeronautical communication systems, are also operating on both the L-band and C-band [5]-[7]. In this aspect, a hybrid-duplex (HBD) UAV communication system (UCS), i.e., HBD-UCS, can be a direct solution address spectrum scarcity in UAV communications. The HBD paradigm enables UAVs with existing half-duplex (HD) communication systems, i.e., HD-UCS to simultaneously operate on the same spectrum with full-duplex (FD) ground stations (GSs), effectively doubling spectrum efficiency. However, the simultaneous transmission and reception of signals results in self-interference (SI) at the FD-enabled GS, which can be mitigated via passive or active SI mitigation architectures [8], [9]. The former entails introducing path loss and shadowing, e.g., through antenna placements, while the latter involves canceling SI in the analog or digital domain [9]. Even after SI mitigation, residual SI can still remain due to non-ideal FD transceiver impairments, such as carrier phase noise and imperfect