The metabolism of monocarboxylic acids is of central importance for bacteria in their natural habitat as well as during biotechnological production. Although biosynthesis and degradation are well understood, the transport of such compounds is still a matter of discussion. Here we present the identification and characterization of a new transport system in Corynebacterium glutamicum with high affinity for acetate and propionate and with lower affinity for pyruvate. Biochemical analysis of this monocarboxylic acid transporter (MctC) revealed for the first time a quantitative discrimination of passive diffusion and active transport of acetate by bacterial cells. MctC is a secondary transporter and belongs to the class of sodium solute symporters, but it is driven by the electrochemical proton potential. The mctC gene is preceded by and cotranscribed with cg0952, a locus encoding a small membrane protein, and the transcription of the cg0952-mctC operon is under the control of the transcriptional regulators RamA and RamB. Both of these proteins directly bind to the promoter region of the operon; RamA is essential for expression and RamB exerts a slightly negative control on expression of the cg0952-mctC operon. mctC expression is induced in the presence of pyruvate and beneficial under substratelimiting conditions for C. glutamicum.Corynebacterium glutamicum is one of the major work horses in industrial biotechnology. More than 1.5 million tons of glutamate as well as 0.75 million tons of lysine per year are produced with the use of this bacterium (25,27). C. glutamicum is a nonmotile, gram-positive bacterium and is able to utilize a number of carbon sources, including sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, organic acids such as gluconate, acetate, propionate, pyruvate, and L-lactate, ethanol, and also amino acids such as glutamate and serine (9,10,30,31). The utilization of tri-and dicarboxylates by C. glutamicum depends on the expression and/or activity of the relevant transport systems, as shown recently (37, 45). Monocarboxylic acids like acetate and propionate are abundant carbon sources in soil and also unwanted by-products in fermentation processes (44). The utilization of acetate by C. glutamicum involves the activation of acetate by the combined activities of acetate kinase and phosphotransacetylase and the subsequent flux into the tricarboxylic acid and glyoxylate cycles (17). However, the uptake of acetate by C. glutamicum cells is not yet understood. It has been proposed that a specific secondary uptake system is involved and that passive diffusion does not significantly contribute at pH 8 or with low substrate concentrations (14). On the other hand, a discrepancy between the relatively low uptake rates observed by Ebbinghausen et al. (14) and the much higher consumption rates of acetate during growth experiments, as well as the long lag phase after addition of higher (Ͼ2%) concentrations of acetate, point to diffusion being relevant for the utilization of this particular substrate (17, 43). Also...