Nearly integrable families of Hamiltonian systems are considered in the neighbourhood of normally parabolic invariant tori. In the integrable case such tori bifurcate into normally elliptic and normally hyperbolic invariant tori. With a KAM-theoretic approach it is shown that both the normally parabolic tori and the bifurcation scenario survive a non-integrable perturbation, parametrised by pertinent large Cantor sets. These results are applied to rigid body dynamics.1998 Academic Press
INTRODUCTIONA simple example of a centre-saddle bifurcation (of equilibria) is the nonlinear oscillator x +x 2 =*; Fig. 2.1 below shows how the phase portrait changes as the parameter * varies. How does this bifurcation behave in Hamiltonian systems with several degrees of freedom? As additional degrees of freedom lead to the superposition with a (quasi)-periodic motion, the equilibria in Fig. 2.1 get replaced by lower dimensional tori. Already in two degrees of freedom the (periodic) centre-saddle bifurcation becomes a generic phenomenon, the ro^le of the parameter * being played by the value of the energy. Correspondingly, examples are abundant, e.g., the He non Heiles system, the Kovalevskaya top and the second fundamental model of resonance to name but a few. While equilibria and periodic orbits can be addressed with the implicit mapping theorem, the bifurcating tori in three or more degrees of freedom involve small denominators. Let us put this problem into context. Given a non-degenerate integrable Hamiltonian system, we know from KAM-theory that most maximal invariant tori survive a small (Hamiltonian) perturbation, cf. [2,36,12] or references therein. These maximal tori are the regular fibres of the ramified torus bundle defined by the integrable system. The singular fibres of the ramified torus bundle, i.e. the lower article no. DE973365 305 0022-0396Â98 25.00