JUAN Josh RUIZ, ANTONIO ALDAZ, and MANUEL DOM~NGUEZ. Can. J. Chem. 55,2799Chem. 55, (1977. A polarographic study of the oxidation mechanism of L-ascorbic acid and of the reduction mechanism of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid was carried out in an acid medium.For L-ascorbic acid, the oxidation process involves a two electron transfer and obeys the overall reactionThe polarographic curve shows that the limiting current is governed by diffusion. On the rising portion of the wave, the two electron oxidation process consists of two consecutive one electron transfers, the second being the rate determining step (rds). The reaction orders, together with the Tafel slopes, were calculated.The reduction of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid at the limiting current is kinetically controlled and involves a two electron transfer. The reaction kinetic pathways were studied and the reaction orders and Tafel slope were calculated. It is deduced that, for low overvoltages, the second one electron transfer is the rate determining step. Pour I'acide L-ascorbique, le processus d'oxydation implique un transfert de deux tlectrons et est soumis a la reaction gtnerale La courbe polarographique montre que le courant limitant est gouvernt par la diffusion. Sur la portion montante de la vague, le processus d'oxydation a deux tlectrons implique deux transferts successifs d'un tlectron, le deuxieme ttant l'ttape detern~inante de la vitesse de la rtaction. Les ordres de la rtaction ainsi que les pentes de Tafel ont t t t calcults.La rtduction de I'acide dthydro-L-ascorbique, a courant limitant, est contrBlke cinktiquement et implique un transfert de deux tlectrons. On a ttudie les chemins reactionnels cinttiques et on a calcult les ordres de la reaction et la pente de Tafel. On en dtduit qu'a de bas survoltages, le deuxieme transfert d'un Clectron est l'ttape dtterminante de la vitesse de la rtaction.[Traduit par le journal]