. Reduce the application power consumption is one of the main challenges for the HPC
community. Code power profilers are very important for researchers to identify the performance
bottlenecks and power consumption for their code. Most of the modern CPUs are equipped with a
built-in sensor to allow researchers and HPC engineers to estimate the power consumption of the
running applications. To estimate the power consumption for any piece of code running on CPU,
you need to eliminate the confounding factors as possible and run the code many times until the
average converge. The reason for that is the environment, which has the OS and other processes
and services running at the same time with your code and may report incorrect power readings. In
this paper, we build a power profiler tool, which saves the researcher time by running and
profiling different pieces of code with different types of workloads, and keeps running until the
average converge. Furthermore, we identify and eliminate the environment confounding factor
which saves the researcher time and gives a realistic result for power consumption experiments.