Welfare gains to long-horizon investors may derive from time diversification that exploits nonzero intertemporal return correlations associated with predictable returns. Real estate may thus become more desirable if its returns are negatively serially correlated. While it could be important for long-horizon investors, time diversification has been mostly investigated in asset menus without real estate and focusing on in-sample experiments. This article evaluates, ex post, the out-of-sample gains from diversification when equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) belong to the investment opportunity set. We find that diversification into REITs increases both the Sharpe ratio and the certainty equivalent of wealth for all investment horizons and for both classical and Bayesian (who account for parameter uncertainty) investors. The increases in Sharpe ratios are often statistically significant. However, the out-of-sample average Sharpe ratio and realized expected utility of long-horizon portfolios are frequently lower than that of a one-period portfolio, which casts doubt on the value of time diversification.Institutional investors diversify their portfolios by investing in public real estate. This practice is supported by empirical studies indicating that the risk-return trade-off of optimal portfolios that include real estate improves relative to portfolios that include only standard financial asset classes such as stocks and bonds. However, such evidence mostly refers to in-sample evaluation of portfolio performance, which assumes that portfolio managers know the return distribution far better than they do in the real world. The first goal of this article is to assess whether public real estate improves portfolio performance out of sample, realistically assuming that the portfolio manager chooses asset allocation for the future on the basis only of past information on realized returns, which can be at best recursively updated.