Abstract. Given an arbitrary countable directed graph G we prove the C * -envelope of the tensor algebra T + (G) coincides with the universal Cuntz-Krieger algebra associated with G. Our approach is concrete in nature and does not rely on Hilbert module machinery. We show how our results extend to the case of higher rank graphs, where an analogous result is obtained for the tensor algebra of a row-finite k-graph with no sources.
IntroductionThe fundamental nonselfadjoint operator algebra associated with a countable directed graph is its tensor algebra T + (G) [6,19,11,14]. Fowler, Muhly and Raeburn have recently characterized [8, Theorem 5.3.] the C * -envelope of the tensor algebra of a faithful strict Hilbert bimodule, as the associated universal Cuntz-Pimsner algebra. When applied to tensor algebras of graphs, their result shows that the C * -envelope of T + (G) where G is a graph with no sources, coincides with the universal Cuntz-Krieger algebra associated with G. This generalizes the well-known fact that, for a single vertex graph with n loop edges, the C * -envelope of the corresponding disc algebra is the algebra of continuous functions on the unit circle (n = 1) and the Cuntz algebra (n ≥ 2) [22]. On the other hand, tensor algebras of graphs that do have sources do not come from injective Hilbert bimodules and therefore