The study objective is to find the possibility and expediency to introduce the method of control mathematical model into scientific research.
The task to which the paper is devoted is to analyze the results of using a control model, with the help of which the reliability of calculations using mathematical models specially designed for a concrete scientific study is verified.
The paper briefly reveals the essence of mathematical models developed and applied in scientific research using external, industry-specific regulatory and administrative documentation, as close as possible to the purpose of a mathematical model acting as a control, recheck according to one of the output parameters.
The design and technological solutions presented in the study to improve the operational efficiency of gas turbine engines during factory repairs are confirmed by mathematical models, the development of which is required due to the lack of their analogues in scientific and technical information sources.
The novelty of the research work is in the proposed methods for improving the efficiency of operation and repair of gas turbine engines, as well as in the application of the method of control mathematical model presented in the industry regulatory and administrative documentation. Taking into account the use of the developed mathematical models in the study, such a control model acts as an external check model of calculations.
This article presents the results of positive application of the control mathematical model.
Conclusions. In cases of developing new and previously unused computational and other mathematical models for a specific study, it is possible and advisable to use the method of a control mathematical model (models), which in such cases will act as an external one, borrowed from reliable information sources. The method of the control mathematical model can be applied in other studies if it is necessary to control the results of intermediate or final calculations when it is impossible to recheck them practically in the studied technical and other systems.