What. This chapter presents a method for supporting students in thinking about the focus of design projects and in devising a project design. A project design is an agreement among the project participants about the focus and structure of their project. Project designs are devised by articulating the project aim and starting to break it down into component activities.Why. It is our contention that four frequently used project designs are flawed in the sense that their strength in one area important to design comes at the cost of severe weaknesses in other, equally important, areas. While there are several practical reasons for this state of affairs, student designers should know the flaws inherent in different project designs. In this chapter we intend (a) to increase the awareness among students and supervisors of the complex considerations involved in the design of projects and (b) to open for more reflective discussions of the pros and cons of different project designs by dismantling unrealistic expectations of devising a flawless project design.Where. This chapter is specifically about project designs for student design projects. The specific focus on student design projects entails that the principal rationale for the projects is learning about design. However, student projects rely on learning-by-doing and thereby blend learning and doing.How. The method consists of four questions. Each question targets a different element of the design process and points toward one of the four frequent but flawed project designs. This way, the one of the four questions a student feels most strongly about points toward a likely project design and also toward the main risk to be considered by the student in formulating a project.