A polyhedral product is a natural subspace of a Cartesian product, which is specified by a simplicial complex K. The automorphism group Aut(K) of K induces a group action on the polyhedral product. In this paper we study this group action and give a formula for the fixed point set of the polyhedral product for any subgroup H of Aut(K). We use the fixed point data to compute examples of Bredon cohomolohgy for small non-Abelian groups such as D 8 and Σ 4 .
Contents1. Introduction 1 2. Group actions on polyhedral products 3 3. Bredon coefficient systems 11 3.1. Bredon coefficient systems in the language of path algebras 12 3.2. Reduced Bredon coefficient systems 14 4. Bredon cohomology over Q 15 4.1. Computation for D 8 17 4.2. Computation for G = Σ 4 22 4.3. Computation towards general examples 26 References 34