We are concerned with the non-normal Schrödinger operatorThe spectrum of this operator is discrete and contained in the positive half plane. In general, the ε-pseudospectrum of H will have an unbounded component for any ε > 0 and thus will not approximate the spectrum in a global sense.By exploiting the fact that the semigroup e −tH is immediately compact, we show a complementary result, namely that for every δ > 0, R > 0 there exists an ε > 0 such that the ε-pseudospectrum{z : |z − λ| < δ}.In particular, the unbounded part of the pseudospectrum escapes towards +∞ as ε decreases.Additionally, we give two examples of non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators outside of our class and study their pseudospectra in more detail.Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35P99, 47B44.