A generalization of the embedding approach for d-dimensional gravity based upon pbrane theories is proposed. We prove that the D-dimensional p-brane coupled to an antisymmetric tensor field of rank (p+1) provides the dynamical basis for the description of d = (p + 1)-dimensional gravity in the isometric embedding formalism. By that we mean that the equations of motion following from this action describe any (p + 1)dimensional space-time (at least locally) once the antisymmetric tensor field is chosen appropriately. "Physical" matter appears in such an approach as a manifestation of a D-dimensional antisymmetric tensor (generalized Kalb-Ramond) background.For the simplest case, the Lorentz harmonic formulation of the bosonic string in a Kalb-Ramond background and its relation to a first order Einstein-Cartan approach for (d = 2)-dimensional gravity is analyzed in some detail. We show that a general Poisson-sigma model structure emerges in this case. For the minimal choice of a free D = 3 string an interesting "dual" formulation is found which has the structure of a Jackiw-Teitelboim theory, coupled minimally to a massive scalar field.Our approach is intended to serve as a preparation for the study of d-dimensional supergravity theory, either starting from the generalized action of free supersymmetric (d − 1)-branes or D (d−1) -branes, or from the corresponding geometric equations ("rheotropic" conditions). a p-brane are extended objects with p spacelike dimensions of the world volume. b Cf. Ref. 11 for an application of the embedding approach in the quest for F theory. 12,13 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 1999.14:4881-4914. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND on 02/03/15. For personal use only.We show that any curved space-time can be specified by an appropriately chosen field strength of the GKR field. Thus "physical" matter (being the source for the gravitational field in GR) appears in such an approach as a manifestation of a Ddimensional GKR background. In a certain sense, therefore, the GKR field assumes the role of a "prepotential" for matter.This seems to be a universal property of p-brane theory in a GKR background. But, to prove this, we need to develop the extrinsic geometry formalism (i.e. the so-called geometric approach 16,17 ) for p-branes in such a background. The Lorentz harmonic formulation 18,17 is most suitable for this purpose, because, as it was known for the free field case, it produces the master equations of the geometric approach (so-called "rheotropic conditions" in the terminology of Ref. 20) as equations of motion in a straightforward way.Here we perform the generalization of the Lorentz harmonic formulation 18,17 for the case of p-brane in arbitrary GKR background, obtain the equations of motion and use it to prove the above main statement.Though this generalization is rather straightforward, just the lack of such a formulation was the main reason why the main result of our paper had not been obtained before. It is hard indeed to find it in the frame of standard (...