“…However, ECEC in Ireland is for the most part a private enterprise based on a neo-liberal imaginary of consumer choice and aligned to the global quality reform movement, rather than a holistic, organic, nurturing, agentic notion of relational care and pedagogy (O’Regan et al, 2019). Moreover, Ireland has a cultural historical context where, until relatively recently, all women, and especially poor women and more recently women of colour, were deeply embedded in a patriarchal society where care work was cheapened and (un)seen as ‘women’s work’ (Lynch and Crean, 2019). The Final report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes , examining the period 1922–1998, reveals the extent of this patriarchal society up to and including the mid 1970s:Ireland was a cold harsh environment for many, probably the majority, of its residents during the earlier half of the period under remit.