Efficient traffic planning during evacuation in emergency has been important issue. The planning based on research significantly improves the quality of the emergency management. In this paper, we discuss on both optimization and simulation approaches of the traffic planning. Both approaches have been extensively studied in the literature with efficient softwares.
Keywords: Traffic planning, evacuation planning, emergency management
IntroductionEmergency management deals with natural and man-made disasters with the goal of saving lives and protecting property during emergencies and disasters. The management based on research upgrades the quality. Nepal has been a vulnerable place for disasters such as earthquake, flood, land slide, explosion of glacial lakes, fire etc. The country has been suffering from such disasters like flood, land slide, fire every year and has been losing a good number of lives and property. Emergency management does not avert or eliminate the threats themselves. However, the study and prediction of the threats based on research substantially reduce the risk.One of the most important issues in the emergency management is to plan effective transportation mode which can evacuates within a reasonable time. The traffic planning during the response phase of the emergency management has been extensively studied in the literature on both optimization as well as simulation approaches, see [6].In this paper, we describe both optimization and simulation approaches in brief that exist in the literature.The organization of the paper is as follows. We describe about emergency management in Section 2, evacuation planning in Section 3, traffic planning in Section 4. We give a brief report of the optimization and simulation approaches for the traffic planning. The last section concludes the paper.
Emergency ManagementEmergency management includes prevention, planning, response and recovery (PPRR) in order to lessen the impact of disasters.Prevention is designed to provide permanent protection from disasters though not all disasters can be prevented. The risk of loss can be lessened. It is not worthy that the Hyogo Framework has been adopted on 2005 by 168 Governments as a 10-year global plan for natural disaster risk reduction.