When expressing a distribution in Euclidean space in spherical co-ordinates, derivation with respect to the radial and angular co-ordinates is far from trivial. Exploring the possibilities of defining a radial derivative of the delta-distribution δ(x) (the angular derivatives of δ(x) being zero since the delta-distribution is itself radial) led, see [3], to the introduction of a new kind of distributions, the so-called signumdistributions, as continuous linear functionals on a space of test functions showing a singularity at the origin. In this paper we search for a definition of the radial and angular derivatives of a general standard distribution and again, as expected, we are inevitably led to consider signumdistributions. Although these signumdistributions provide an adequate framework for the actions on distributions aimed at, it turns out that the derivation with respect to the radial distance of a general (signum)distribution is still not yet unique, but gives rise to an equivalent class of (signum)distributions.