Abstract. Let C ⊂ N d be an affine semigroup, and R = K[C] its semigroup ring. This paper is a collection of various results on "C-graded" R-modules M = c∈C M c , especially, monomial ideals of R. For example, we show the following: If R is normal and I ⊂ R is a radical monomial ideal (i.e., R/I is a generalization of Stanley-Reisner rings), then the sequentially Cohen-Macaulay property of R/I is a topological property of the "geometric realization" of the cell complex associated with I. Moreover, we can give a squarefree modules/constructible sheaves version of this result. We also show that if R is normal and I ⊂ R is a Cohen-Macaulay monomial ideal then √ I is Cohen-Macaulay again.
IntroductionFirst, we fix the notation used throughout this paper. Let C ⊂ Z d ⊂ R d be an affine semigroup (i.e., C is a finitely generated additive submonoid of Z d ), andOf course, R = c∈C Kx c is a Z d -graded ring. We say a Z d -graded ideal of R is a monomial ideal. Let *Mod R be the category of Z d -graded R-modules and their degree preserving R-homomorphisms, and *mod R its full subcategory consisting of finitely generated modules. As usual, for M ∈ *Mod R and a ∈ Z d , M a denotes the degree a component of M, and M(a) denotes the shifted module of M with M(a) b = M a+b . We say M ∈ *Mod R is C-graded, if M a = 0 for all a ∈ C. A monomial ideal I ⊂ R and the quotient ring R/I are C-graded modules. Let *mod C R be the full subcategory of *mod R consisting of C-graded modules.Miller [14] proved that *mod C R has enough injectives and any object has a minimal injective resolution in this category, which is unique up to isomorphism and has finite length. This resolution is called a minimal irreducible resolution, since an indecomposable injective in *mod C R corresponds to a monomial irreducible ideal.In §2, under the assumption that R is Cohen-Macaulay and simplicial, we show that information on M ∈ *mod C R such as depth and Cohen-Macaulay property can be read off from numerical invariants of the minimal irreducible resolution of M (something analogous to "Bass numbers"). One might think these results should be 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 13D02; Secondary 13H10, 13F55, 13D45.