Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimize for manually. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimizers. Accelerate, Futhark and Lift have demonstrated that using a functional approach is well suited to solve this challenge. Lift, for instance, uses a system of rewrite rules with a multi-stage approach. Algorithmic optimizations are first explored, followed by hardware-specific optimizations such as using shared memory and mapping parallelism.While the algorithmic exploration leads to correct transformed programs by construction, it is not necessarily true for the latter phase. Exploiting shared memory and mapping parallelism while ensuring correct synchronization is a delicate balancing act, and is hard to encode in a rewrite system. Currently, Lift relies on heuristics with ad-hoc mechanisms to check for correctness.This paper proposes to extract parallelization constraints automatically from a functional IR and use a solver to identify valid rewriting. Using a convolutional neural network on a mobile GPU as a use case, this approach matches the performance of the ARM Compute Library GEMM convolution and the TVM-generated kernel consuming between 2× and 3.6× less memory. Furthermore, a speedup of 12× is achieved over the ARM Compute Library direct convolution implementation.