Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, E and F be Banach spaces. Let C b .X; E/ be the space of all E-valued bounded, continuous functions on X , equipped with the strict topologyˇ. We develop the Riemman-Stieltjes-type integral representation theory of .ˇ; k k F /-continuous operators T W C b .X; E/ ! F with respect to the representing Borel operator measures. For X being a k-space, we characterize strongly bounded .ˇ; k k F /-continuous operators T W C b .X; E/ ! F . As an application, we study .ˇ; k k F /-continuous weakly compact and unconditionally converging operators T W C b .X; E/ ! F . In particular, we establish the relationship between these operators and the corresponding Borel operator measures given by the Riesz representation theorem. We obtain that if X is a k-space and E is reflexive, then .C b .X; E/;ˇ/ has the V property of Pełczynski.