This study analyses the physiological and biochemical basis of chronic ozone exposure (60 ppb for 56 days, 5 h day −1 ) on NC-S (sensitive) and NC-R (resistant) white clover clones. Analyses were performed after 0, 14, 28 and 56 days of fumigation which corresponded to AOT40 s of 0, 1400, 2800 and 5600 ppb.h, respectively. NC-S exhibited foliar injury and had a decreased content of photosynthetic pigments, while peroxidized lipids and solute leakage increased, indicating that the plants were subjected to membrane damage. The multivariate approach identified five groups. The NC-R group, with the exception of samples at 0 days of exposure and treated for the longest time period (and thus at the highest dose), and NC-S controls after 28 and 56 days were associated with photosynthetic pigments variables. Ascorbate peroxidase was twinned with NC-R treated at the highest dose. Guaiacol peroxidase and solute leakage was mildly linked with NC-S following ozone treatment for 56 days (AOT40 = 5600 ppb.h).