By use of the algebraic structure, we obtain a simplified expression for the outlier-insensitivity factor for balanced fractional 2 ~ factorial (2~-BFF) designs of resolution 2l+1 derived from simple arrays (Sarrays), whose measure has been introduced by Ghosh and Kipngeno (1985, J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 11, 119-129). It is defined by use of the measure suggested by Box and Draper (1975, Biometrika, 62 (2), 347-352). As examples, we study the sensitivity of A-optimal 2~-BFF designs of resolution VII (i.e., I=3) given by Shirakura (1976, Ann. S$atist., 4, 515-531 ; 1977, Hiroshima Math. J., 7, 217-285). We observe that these designs are robust in the sense that they have low sensitivities.