Summary:The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible importance of adenosine in cerebrocortical vasodilatation accompanying brain activation (epileptic seizures and direct electrical stimulation) and hypoxia (arterial hypoxia and cyanide poisoning of the brain cortex). In chloralose-anesthetized cats a circumscribed area of the brain cortex was treated with adenosine de aminase (Type III; Sigma), which potently deaminates adenosine to the nonvasoactive inosine. Cerebrocortical vascular volume and fluorescence of reduced nicotin amide adenine dinucleotide were measured in vivo by sur face fluororeflectometry. The responses of small pial and intracortical vessels to brain activation and hypoxia were studied in brain cortices superfused with artificial (mock) CSF and 5 Vlml adenosine deaminase. It was found that superficially applied adenosine deaminase readily dif fuses onto the brain cortex. Prolonged pretreatment ofThe mechanism by which cerebral vessels are di latated during arterial hypoxia and increased elec trical activity of the brain is still poorly understood (Astrup et aI., 1978; Kuschinsky and Wahl, 1978; Nilsson et aI., 1978; Rehncrona et aI., 1978;Siesjo, 1978; Winn et aI., 1981a; Dora, 1984a). Recently, attention has been focused on the importance of adenosine in controlling cerebrovascular tone (Nilsson et aI., 1978; Rehncrona et aI., 1978; Schrader et aI., 1980;Emerson and Raymond, 1981; Heistad et aI., 1981; Winn et aI., 1981a; Morii et aI., 1983). In theory, adenosine could fulfill a critical role in maintaining and adjusting cerebrovascular tone in the resting brain and during arterial hypoxia and epileptic seizures, respectively. Adenosine is a 44 7 the brain cortices with 0.025 Vlml adenosine deaminase eliminated almost completely the vasodilative effect of 10-7 mol/ml adenosine. The inhibitory effect of the en zyme on adenosine-induced cortical vasodilatation was specific, because 5 Vlml adenosine deaminase did not attenuate the vasodilative potency of 10-8 mol/ml 2-chlo roadenosine. Adenosine deaminase (5 Vlml) pretreatment of the brain cortices did not diminish the cerebrocortical vascular volume, which increased with arterial hypoxia, topical cyanide poisoning, and direct electrical stimula tion. However, it slightly decreased the vasodilative ef fect of epileptic seizures. On the basis of these results, it seems very unlikely that adenosine is a critical factor in the control of cerebrovascular tone during arterial hy poxia and brain activation.