The ability of colloidal particles to form equilibrium cluster phases under conditions where the particles interact via a potential consisting of a soft long-range repulsion and a shortrange attraction is well documented. 1,2 In this class of systems, the short-range attraction drives cluster formation, whereas the increasing long-range repulsion due to the accumulating charge of the clusters limits their size. After an initial report 3 that demonstrated the existence of such clusters in systems as diverse as concentrated lysozyme solutions at low ionic strength and weakly charged colloids in a low dielectric constant solvent with added nonadsorbing polymers (to induce a short-range attraction via a depletion mechanism), cluster phases have been demonstrated to exist in a large range of colloidal systems.
4À8In particular, the finding that equilibrium clusters may form in protein solutions under appropriate solution conditions has attracted considerable attention due to its potential biological significance in areas such as protein crystallization or protein condensation diseases.
9À16The initial evidence of the existence of clusters in concentrated lysozyme solutions at low ionic strength has been obtained from the rather peculiar small-angle X-ray (SAXS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) pattern obtained for these systems, 3,17 where an analysis of the dependence of the scattering intensity as a function of the magnitude of the scattering vector q clearly reveals the existence of two peaks in the static structure factor S(q). Surprisingly, both the low as well as the high-q peak were found to be almost independent of the volume fraction φ at sufficiently high values of φ. This was subsequently interpreted as the signature of the presence of equilibrium clusters, where the low-q peak was attributed to a clusterÀcluster interaction peak and thus denoted q c , while the high-q peak was thought to reflect the monomerÀ monomer correlations within the cluster and thus denoted q m .This interpretation was subsequently challenged by Shukla et al., 18 who also conducted SANS and SAXS experiments with lysozyme solutions at low ionic strength. On the basis of the fact that they saw a clear shift of the cluster peak position at lower protein volume fractions, they questioned the existence of equilibrium clusters in lysozyme solutions. However, it has already been pointed out that for comparable experimental conditions, the claim of Shukla et al. relied in fact on scattering data that showed no significant differences to the earlier data on which the cluster model had been based.19,20 SAXSABSTRACT: We present a detailed experimental and numerical study of the structural and dynamical properties of salt-free lysozyme solutions. In particular, by combining small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data with neutron spin echo (NSE) and rheology experiments, we are able to identify that an arrest transition takes place at intermediate densities, driven by the slowing down of the cluster motion. Using an effective pair pote...