To understand the mystery of final unification, in our earlier publications, we proposed that, 1) There exist three atomic gravitational constants associated with electroweak, strong and electromagnetic interactions; 2) There exists a strong interaction elementary charge in such a way that, its squared ratio with normal elementary charge is close to reciprocal of the strong coupling constant; and 3) Considering a fermion-boson mass ratio of 2.27, quarks can be split into quark fermions and quark bosons. Further, we noticed that, electroweak field seems to be operated by a primordial massive fermion of rest energy 584.725 GeV and hadron masses seem to be generated by a new hadronic fermion of rest energy 103.4 GeV. In this context, starting from lepton rest masses to stellar masses, we have developed many interesting and workable relations. With further study, a workable model of final unification can be developed.