“…Consistent with various theories and empirical findings, we propose that concepts and images representing objects, people, and events in memory possess a connotative-emotional aura, emotional or affective charge, texture, tone, or experiential coloration (Berggren, 1962(Berggren, -1963Wester, 1967;Isen, 1987;Lang, 1994;Miall, 1987;Oatley & Johnson-Laird, 1987;Osgood, 1963;Ricoeur, 1978;Sapir, 1949; G. J. W. Smith & van dm Meer, 1994;Spiro, Crismore & Turner, 1982;Zajonc, 1980). As noted earlier, these experientially based idiosyncratic emotions are multidimensional and cannot be described easily in terms of socially determined emotional categories.…”