Let G be a generalized Baumslag-Solitar group and C be a class of groups containing at least one non-unit group and closed under taking subgroups, extensions, and Cartesian products of the form y∈Y X y , where X, Y ∈ C and X y is an isomorphic copy of X for every y ∈ Y . We give a criterion for G to be residually a C-group provided C consists only of periodic groups. We also prove that G is residually a torsion-free C-group if C contains at least one non-periodic group and is closed under taking homomorphic images. These statements generalize and strengthen some known results. Using the first of them, we provide criteria for a GBS-group to be a) residually nilpotent; b) residually torsion-free nilpotent; c) residually free. and the residual p-finiteness of GBS-groups) and give a criterion for the residual nilpotence of a GBS-group.Let C be a class of groups. A group G is said to be residually a C-group if, for any non-unit element g ∈ G, there exists a homomorphism σ of G onto a group of C such that gσ = 1. The most commonly considered situation is when C is the class of all finite groups, all finite p-groups (where p is a prime number), all nilpotent groups or all solvable groups. In these cases G is called residually finite, residually p-finite, residually nilpotent or residually solvable respectively.We say that a class C of groups is root if it contains at least one non-unit group and is closed under taking subgroups, extensions, and Cartesian products of the form y∈Y X y , where X, Y ∈ C and X y is an isomorphic copy of X for every y ∈ Y . The notion of a root class was introduced by Gruenberg [12], and the above definition is equivalent to that given in [12]; see [25] for details.The classes of all finite groups, all finite p-groups, all periodic groups of finite exponent, all solvable groups, and all torsion-free groups can serve as examples of root classes. It is also easy to see that the intersection of any number of root classes is again a root class. At the same time, the classes of all nilpotent groups, all torsion-free nilpotent groups, and all finite nilpotent groups are not root because they are not closed under taking extensions.