Abstract. The study of complex networks has emerged over the past several years as a theme spanning many disciplines, ranging from mathematics and computer science to the social and biological sciences. A significant amount of recent work in this area has focused on the development of random graph models that capture some of the qualitative properties observed in large-scale network data; such models have the potential to help us reason, at a general level, about the ways in which real-world networks are organized.We survey one particular line of network research, concerned with small-world phenomena and decentralized search algorithms, that illustrates this style of analysis. We begin by describing a well-known experiment that provided the first empirical basis for the "six degrees of separation" phenomenon in social networks; we then discuss some probabilistic network models motivated by this work, illustrating how these models lead to novel algorithmic and graph-theoretic questions, and how they are supported by recent empirical studies of large social networks.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 68R10; Secondary 05C80, 91D30.