The interior low-frequency electromagnetic dipole excitation of a dielectric sphere is utilized as a simplified but realistic model in various biomedical applications. Motivated by these considerations, in this paper, we investigate analytically a near-field inverse scattering problem for the electromagnetic interior dipole excitation of a dielectric sphere. First, we obtain, under the low-frequency assumption, a closed-form approximation of the series of the secondary electric field at the dipole's location. Then, we utilize this derived approximation in the development of a simple inverse medium scattering algorithm determining the sphere's dielectric permittivity. Finally, we present numerical results for a human head model, which demonstrate the accurate determination of the complex permittivity by the developed algorithm. Mathematics subject classification: 34L25, 78A46, 78A40, 41A60, 33C05. / 440 N.L. TSITSAS(e.g., according to [8], k 0 a ≃ 1.3 × 10 −7 for f = 60 Hz and head's radius a = 10 cm). Besides, magnetic resonance imaging low-frequency applications are discussed in [9] for a spherical head with k 0 a ≃ 2 × 10 −6 . A brain electrical impedance tomography low-frequency model with k 0 a ≃ 1.9 × 10 −4 is investigated in [10]. Other applications stem from antennas implanted inside the head for hyperthermia or biotelemetry [11,12]. For extensive reviews on using dipoles inside spheres for brain imaging applications see [13] and [14].Far-field inverse scattering algorithms in the low-frequency region were established in [15] for acoustic scattering by a homogeneous sphere, due to an exterior point-source incident field, by utilizing essentially the distance of the source from the scatterer. Besides, for the pointsource or point-dipole excitation of a layered sphere the exact Green's function, the far-field low-frequency approximations, and related far-field inverse scattering algorithms were given in [16] for acoustic and in [17] for electromagnetic waves. Far-field inverse problems, using low-frequency plane waves impinging on a soft sphere, were analyzed in [18]. The identification of small dielectric inhomogeneities from scattering amplitude measurements was investigated in [19]- [22].The inverse problems, investigated in [15]- [19], are based on far-field measurements. The benefits of using the near-field quantity of the scattered field at the dipole point, in the development of inverse scattering algorithms for a perfectly conducting sphere excited by an exterior dipole have been pointed in [23]. Other implementations of near-field inverse problems are treated in [24] and [25, p. 133]. On the other hand, in [26] near-field inverse problems are analyzed concerning the determination of static point-sources and point-dipoles as well as acoustic point-sources located inside a homogeneous sphere. The inversion algorithms established in [26] use the moments obtained by integrating the product of the total field on the sphere's surface with spherical harmonic functions. Moreover, currents inside three-shell...