Local position system (LPS) becomes more and more diversified and increasingly important in large numbers of applications and contexts such as healthcare, targeted, monitoring, tracking and security. In LPS, three anchors at least with known position are employed with one tag for localization. In this paper, LPS which contains three anchors and one tag is used to get positioning. Tag position represents user location. It estimates by using UWB technology which sending signal based on triangulation method with assist of Labview. By using Labview coding the position of each anchors can be read successful after connection all anchors and tag with PC and router. The positioning of tag in (x, y) direction, successfully update immediately when tag moving which is shown in graph. Therefore, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for LPS based on Labview is achieved to determine the user positioning with positioning error less than 17cm. We believe this paper would catalyze further investigation by the researcher which deal with both of LPS field and Labview. Index Terms-Local positioning system, anchors, tag, UWB, graphical user interface, Labview. 2 , 2 represent position of the receiver 2,(both are known position ). (x, y) is unknown position of source position.