Both a technical standard and a recently commercially available standard containing 25 congeners were used to quantify toxaphene in a variety of environmental matrices, using high-resolution gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/ ECNI-HRMS). The purpose was to examine the differences between the two standards and to assess how well the congener standard describes the total toxaphene profile. At a resolving power of approximately 11,000 no interferences from other organochlorines were observed. Biotic matrices were enriched in octa- and nonachlorobornanes relative to the technical mixture, whereas abiotic matrices were enriched in hexa- and heptachlorobornanes. The hexa- and heptachlorobornanes were generally overestimated by the weighted response of the technical mixture, whereas the nonachlorobornanes were consistently underestimated. The extent to which the technical mixture over- or underestimates total toxaphene concentrations depends on the distribution of congeners among homologue groups and the abundance of particular congeners. The current 25-congener mixture described only approximately 35-75% of the total toxaphene response: more congeners are needed to adequately describe some matrices. Correction factors were developed that will allow laboratories to report reliable concentrations of individual congeners in samples that were quantified using the technical mixture, but they should be applied with caution, as they may be highly instrument dependent.