Midlatitude fluctuations of the atmospheric winds on scales of thousands of kilometers, the most energetic of such fluctuations, are strongly constrained by the Earth's rotation and the atmosphere's stratification. As a result of these constraints, the flow is quasi-2D and energy is trapped at large scales-nonlinear turbulent interactions transfer energy to larger scales, but not to smaller scales. Aircraft observations of wind and temperature near the tropopause indicate that fluctuations at horizontal scales smaller than about 500 km are more energetic than expected from these quasi-2D dynamics. We present an analysis of the observations that indicates that these smaller-scale motions are due to approximately linear inertia-gravity waves, contrary to recent claims that these scales are strongly turbulent. Specifically, the aircraft velocity and temperature measurements are separated into two components: one due to the quasi-2D dynamics and one due to linear inertia-gravity waves. Quasi-2D dynamics dominate at scales larger than 500 km; inertia-gravity waves dominate at scales smaller than 500 km. meteorology | atmospheric dynamics | geostrophic turbulence | inertia-gravity waves T he midlatitude high-and low-pressure systems visible in weather maps are associated with winds and temperature fluctuations that we experience as weather. These fluctuations arise from a baroclinic instability of the mean zonal winds at horizontal scales of a few thousand kilometers, commonly referred to as the synoptic scales (1-3). The combined effects of rotation and stratification constrain the synoptic-scale winds to be nearly horizontal and to satisfy geostrophic balance, a balance between the force exerted by the changes in pressure and the Coriolis force resulting from Earth's rotation. It is an open question whether the same constraints dominate in the mesoscale range (i.e., at scales of 10-500 km), or whether qualitatively different dynamics govern flows at these scales.The synoptic-scale flows are turbulent in the sense that nonlinear scale interactions, which lie at the core of the difficulty to predict the weather, exchange energy between different scales of motion (4-7). Under the constraints of rotation and stratification, the synoptic-scale winds are approximately 2D and nondivergent (8, 9). In 2D flows, nonlinear scale interactions tend to transfer energy to larger scales, that is, the synoptic-scale pressure anomalies often merge and form larger ones, contrary to nonlinear scale interactions in 3D flows, which tend to transfer energy to smaller scales (10). Little energy is thus transferred to scales smaller than those at which the synoptic-scale fluctuations are generated through instabilities. Theory and numerical simulations predict that the energy per unit horizontal wavenumber k decays as rapidly as k −3 at wavenumbers larger than the wavenumber corresponding to the instability scale (9, 11). This predicted kinetic energy spectrum is roughly consistent with synoptic-scale observations (9, 12).Long-range passeng...