This overview paper has two parts. In the first part, we review the development of F1-geometry from the first mentioning by Jacques Tits in 1956 until the present day. We explain the main ideas around F1, embedded into the historical context, and give an impression of the multiple connections of F1-geometry to other areas of mathematics.In the second part, we review (and preview) the geometry of blueprints. Beyond the basic definitions of blueprints, blue schemes and projective geometry, this includes a theory of Chevalley groups over F1 together with their action on buildings over F1; computations of the Euler characteristic in terms of F1-rational points, which involve quiver Grassmannians; K-theory of blue schemes that reproduces the formula Ki(F1) = π st i (S 0 ); models of the compactifications of Spec Z and other arithmetic curves; and explanations about the connections to other approaches towards F1 like monoidal schemes after Deitmar, B1-algebras after Lescot, Λ-schemes after Borger, relative schemes after Toën and Vaquié, log schemes after Kato and congruence schemes after Berkovich and Deitmar.